Condrak Peerless Glasses + Baseball Cap
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Give your outfit a pair of Condrak Peerless combat glasses and partially complete that look with a baseball cap!
The .unitypackage file contains
- Model of the glasses and baseball hat
- Textures
- Materials to choose from (Poiyomi, Mochie, Standard)
Change the reflection color of the glasses through its respective material!
The world displayed in the media above is Kurotori Photo Studio.
You may use this on an avatar that is public
⚠ This asset is not Quest compatible, you may make use of Blender and through addons so that it uses the least amount material possible.
ver1. initial release
ver2. added blendshapes for rexes with huge ears
ver3 added compatibility for NARDORAGON base
ver3point5 VRCFury integration for Nardoragon
ver3point6 fix metadata for nardoragon version of the models, namely mesh and material
ver3point7 fix metadata for nardoragon version of the models, material and textures, again
ver3point8 fix metadata for nardoragon version of the models, material and textures, again and again