Profile PictureKADIS SK WORKS - PH

Venom Hair (REX VERSION)

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Venom Hair (REX VERSION)

3 ratings

Become the CEO of a private military power

Manbun can be toggled through "(TOGGLEABLE)VenomHairPonytail" GameObject by its Active checkbox or Skinned Mesh Renderer checkbox, or completely be removed!

Dynamic Bones Addon is REQUIRED for PC version for dangly bits

MOCHIE shader is required for the MOCHIE preset.

POIYOMI shader is required for the POIYOMI preset.

The unitypackage file contains:

  • Textures
  • Hair model and its quest compatible version
  • Eyepatch and Cigar model
  • Cigar smoke trail (activate/animate through the alpha slider in Start Color)

⚠ Does NOT include animations for cigar!!!


Recolor the layer "HairColor" to change colors, layer type may be changed depending on the brightness.


The world displayed in the media above is Kurotori Photo Studio.

You may use this on an avatar that is public

Reselling or redistribution IS NOT ALLOWED

⚠ Commissions including the item is allowed but both parties must have the asset bought. ⚠

Discord Server for when help or feedback is needed, and to get announcements or updates of my products.

ver1 initial release
ver1.1 conversion of DynamicBones to PhysBones

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Polycount (TOTAL)
Polycount (Hair+Ponytail)
4,328+2,648 (6,976)
Polycount (Cigar)
Polycount (Eyepatch)
41.8 MB
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